Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Ezio Challenge: Intro

It’s been awhile since I wrote a blog and I really need to get back in the swing of things so what better way to keep myself honest with all the stuff I’ve been putting off and avoiding than a blog challenge?? Yay!!!! It feels like good timing too. My husband’s out of town for a few days and I just dropped Wally off at school after he threw up in the bathroom sink as we were walking out the door. I should actually get 17 mom points for that because I had already put on pants. And if you’ve made me put on pants and you don’t have a fever, you’re washing your face off and you’re going to school.

The ladies of yesteryear who were able to keep house and keep it well, were not bogged down with the latest conspiracy theory going around the internet. They had no time to ponder the inner workings of One Direction or what on earth that Kanye thing at NYFW was and if anyone died because of it. No, they got down to business.

Well since one of the things I need to finish is an Assassin’s Creed costume for a family member, that’s what I’m going to blog about, EVERYDAY until I finish it. Because I have so many things happening and it keeps getting pushed back, so if I have to blog my process to keep it the main goal, then that’s what I plan to do.

A little backstory I had no idea what Assassin’s Creed even was until I got a text from my aunt asking if I could make her son a costume so if I mess it up, don't come after me with a pitchfork, Assassin's Creed fandom. I am so down for this project. My oldest son, Wally Cleaver, went through a multi-year costume change and he's very specific in his "look". Back when I began sewing, I LOVED trying to sort out the details of each costume he demanded.

First it was Elvis. Jailhouse Rock Elvis. So I went to Salvation Army, got a black suit jacket for $5 and got busy. It turned out amazing!

By the way, his room looks like it should be in one of those Pottery Barn: Kids catalogues in that picture compared to what it looks like right now as I type this

Embarrassing. That will be its own blog challenge. Back to the costumes. So we had Elvis, then he wanted to be a old-timey detective

He wanted to be a knight

He wanted to wear a kilt for International Day at school. So I made him a kilt.

In 2nd grade, he had to choose a historical figure to represent. He chose Susan B Anthony. Susan B Anthony he became.

So now I get to try my hand at this dude.

Stay tuned.

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